Saturday, February 26, 2005

First New Game Submission

Everyone who read my wife's, (now defunct blog), knew about the game. Pretty much, show a picture of a blogger's body part, (which they sent in), and guess who it is. There use to be a poem to go with each, but it sometimes proved hard to always come up with one, (okay, we're lazy). So I'm just going to list hints, and do a little bit of the ol' "20 Questions" in the comments section until someone gets it.

Also, if anyone has any suggestions for the game, please let me know. Depending on the response, and availability of new submissions, it may or may not continue.

So, without further ado...

Guess who that is? Shouldn't be hard if you read his blog. I really can't even start off with any hints, because it's too obvious. (And no, it's not me).

Friday, February 25, 2005

So Where'd Your Wife's Blog Go?

Trash can, that's where. Why, she got bored of it. Frankly, she gets bored a lot when it comes to hobbies besides reading. If you have any questions, please let me know, and I'll pass them along.

I'm still here, and have no plans to go. I know, great consolation prize. I'll probably write more now, because of it. I might even convice "Sparkey" to guest blog now and again.

By the way, I will finish the game that she started. However, it will be done in a different way. No poem, I can't get through them that way, not very fast, anyways. I'll put ten hints after the picture. Some will be a little unfair, some more so. Ask questions, and I will respond in the comments section. Kind of like 20 Questions. I'll post one later this afternoon.

And if you have any suggestions for the game, let me know. I think I will just finish it off, but I might continue it, depending on the demand. Either way, I got complete this thing.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

There's Nothing Funny About This

My submission for understatement of the year: Cutting off someone's penis is wrong.

What the FUCK did THIS guy do to deserve his dick being cut off, and having it flushed down the toilet by his girlfriend!? Did he rape her or someone else? Did he cut off something important of her's? Did he sadistically torture her!? What!?

If this woman was just pissed off because he was breaking up with her, cheated on her, or something like that, I'll fucking scream. You don't just go chopping off someone's fireman because you are a "woman scorned". And from the sound of the story, it seems the case. If so, I hope horrible things are wrought upon her, worse than I can imagine, worse than the things I wish upon the fuckers who covered Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb recently!

Also, the news story stated the following: "She was charged with assault, domestic violence and tampering with evidence, and jailed without bail. " Somehow, 'tampering with evidence' doesn't seem to fully capture the idea behind FLUSHING SOME'S PECKER DOWN THE TOILET! 'Assault' just doesn't cut it, either. I'm sure the cops looked for the "penis chopping" category, before finally settling on assault.

And don't fucking shake your head at me, thinking I'm some stereotypical man, who completely centers his value around his dick! I don't care if it is an arm, breast, asshole, or whatever, (not sure how an asshole would work, and I don't want to imagine it), but ripping off people's body parts, especially the really valuable ones, for minor or imagined offenses, gets me pissed off! (This should be another big understandment). I just can't imagine being that twisted, (or incredibly stupid), so forgive me for being a little angry.

Anyway, if you have more information on this, and can clear things up, please let me know.

I almost didn't make this post, because ESS already covered it. But I found out about it on Slate, and it included an interesting factoid: "A single leech can suck up 10 cubic centimeters of blood from a severed penis"

Try using THAT bit of trivia at your next dinner party!

Maybe the title of this post isn't exactly right, the leech thing is pretty funny...

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Shit Luck

Well folks, it happened again, (sort of). Yes, that's right, another bathroom "adventure" I'll title "Stall Wars: The Poo Strikes Back".

I go to another floor to drop a chocolate donation off, (which you think I would have learned that said floor no longer has less traffic than my own). Anyway, I go inside, and hear someone coming up behind me. Normally, I would go on right through one side and out the other, not wanting to have a flatulence accompaniment. But I was feeling the situation was rather "urgent", and I was hoping the individual would not enter the bathroom, or at least, just take a piss, (where I could wait him out).

Guess what? No such luck.

He sits in the stall next to me and clears his throat/sinuses. You know, that deep, old man clearing. Like a hundred years of mucus just dislodged. I then braced myself for what was bound to happen. That disgusting anxiety you feel when a character in a movie is about to remove something covering a corpse, and you wonder how stomach churning it is going to be. Well, that feeling.

Fortunately, all that followed was a long piss, and then nothing. Longer wait, and still nothing happens. I still brace for it, but nothing. I start hoping that it was just a silent one. But you know what they say, "silent, but deadly", so I got ready to gag. But still nothing happened.

I wanted to take a shit, but I just have a hard time "letting loose" with people around. It has to be REALLY bad for me just not to care. But usually, the worse it is, the more self conscious I am, the more I can hold back. So as you can tell, it has to be pretty bad, frankly, pretty involuntary. I can't say it is completely a subconscious mental block, but there is a lot of that to it.

So back to the story.. he still hasn't gone. I'm talking about well over five minutes. I start worrying this fucker is jerking his woody haroldson, when I realize he might be waiting ME out. It was quiet, a little too quiet. He, just like me, could not want a "neighbor", and hopes I will leave soon. That, or he's constipated, which in this situation, isn't much of a difference. Or maybe he's asleep, or dead. In which case, I could be waiting for a VERY long time.

So I bat at the roll of toilet paper, (which you kind of have to in order to dislodge them, because those cheap ones barely move), and crumple the sheets like I am finishing up. I was hoping he'd decide to wrap things, (or wake him up), from the sound. Hell, I'd already flush the toilet once. It was involuntarily, those damn motion sensor toilets are a pesky bunch. You fucking sneeze, they flush, then it sprays you with water, and then it turns unnaturally warm for some reason.

Either way, he got the idea and left, without wiping or washing his hands. I guess he didn't go, (or else, he's quiet as a ninja, and dirty as a crackhead). No difference, time for me to shit, right? Nope.

I guess the impending mudslide somehow reorganized itself as a log for later time. Isn't it funny how you can be sitting in a chair, afraid you are going to crap yourself, and then when you are on the toilet, everything is perfectly calm? Or maybe that just happens to me, and only when I'm in a public restroom. Man, I fucking hate shitting.

That's how I'm never convinced by fundamentalist/dogmatic religious types. Why I never wonder, "Well, maybe I might be going to hell because I don't believe that X is true". Why I don't, and never could, believe in creationism. I'm not saying there isn't a God*, but if we were created from scratch, you'd think God would have found a better way to deal with animal/human waste. Yes, there are so many remarkable things that happen in nature, it's hard to think they are all a series of "accidents". But in our attempt to appreciate nature, let's not gloss over the mistakes and shortcomings.

I've got quite a list of said shortcomings, but I'll only emphasize one of the many, shitting. Was this really the best way God could come up with, honestly? Huge smelly chunks, (solid, if you're lucky), coming out of your backside. Pissing, isn't so bad in comparison. In fact, I could give God and the idea of creationism a pass on that one. It only smells if you eat asparagus, or sits around in puddles for awhile. But shit? I don't think there are many of us that won't gag at the thought of a shit smeared toilet bowel, a stained pair of diapers, or a finger accidently smudged by poo. THAT comes out your ass, man, think about it!

Then again, who says God didn't do it because he loves toilet humor.

As you can tell, I'm a little bored to be talking about all of this. Everyone I need to interact with at work is "busy". The person I was working with on a project is out, and the manager I am dealing with always seems to be swamped with e-mail, and still hasn't gotten back to me in over two weeks, (not my manager, just a lead on this project). I am being "proactive", just not as much as I could be. Call it a morale problem.

Guess I should finish my work that has little impact on anyone. At least I have my own office again, starting today. You know what that means, (monster dot com).

* Frankly, who says evolution wasn't the way he did it? How else do you think he did it, fairy dust?

Friday, February 04, 2005

Since everyone else is doing it...

You can now see my heart in my profile, (see below):