Monday, October 22, 2012

Wow, it's been awhile...

Well, it's been awhile since I have posted anything, a looong time.  I'm a procrastinator, what can I say?  This is different than procrastinating, which we are all guilty of.  My problem is chronic.  I over analyze, I'm afraid of mistakes (or generally looking like a jackass), and often escape to the back of my mind where things are simpler.  I'm trying to be different, and this is a first step.

I can't be complete, let alone perfect - I need to get that through my head.  This blog will become my exercise in over coming this.  It will be a kind of exposure therapy.  How so?  By writing what I am thinking and - holy shit - not going back to edit a previous part of a post.  So please forgive me if anything I write sounds odd, or frankly, like shit.

I'm not sure who I am even talking to.  I know most of the people who read this have probably moved on.  Maybe this will pop back up in someone's feed or something, but they will either wonder who the hell am I and why haven't they cleaned up all their links yet, or it will be people who know me in real life.  Frankly, I have no intention of reading anyone else's blog.  That's what always stopped me (among other things) from starting again.  If I cannot read someone else's blog, why should anyone else read mine.  The answer: they probably shouldn't.

It doesn't matter.  This is for me to deal with the crap that I do that I am not happy with that never seems to end.  The wall is hurting my head, but that's because I keep hitting it against it.

Screw "preview", "save", or any other options - there is only "publish".  This bitch is going live.  To quote Bill O'Reily, "Fuck it!  We'll do it live!"


Blogger Buddha Bubba said...

First mistake: I tried to upload a GIF of the Bill O'Reilly quote in question, but something didn't go right.

3:15 PM  

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