Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Spam Spam Spam

I don't like spam. Then again, who does?

I finally turned the word verification on the comments on. Not sure why I delayed it, maybe I thought I would get less comments if I did, I don't know. But the comment spammers finally got to me, having to delete a couple every few days.

They are a bunch of brainless, greedy whores. I wish there was a better word than "whore," because I believe it does a disservice to even the lowliest crack whore. There is no excuse or point to their existence. They fuck things up for other people on a large scale in hopes that a very, very small percentage will respond in some way. Prostitutes don't screw up things for other people, they just screw people (in a good way), and that makes them much better than your average spammer. Just something to think about...

Anyway, I haven't posted in a while, but I'm writing more tonight (and the next day). I'll probably keep things shorter, (but definitely not sweeter), from now on. I'm busy trying to keep my job, find a new one, grow my side business, take care of my wife/family/house, and keep my sanity in the process. All of which is cutting into my video game time, (joke)*.

* I've learned to put "joke" by potentially offensive sarcastic remarks. Based on negative responses from similar remarks on my friend Chris' blog, I've learned there are a lot of people with really bad reading comprehension and sarcasm/joke detectors. As far as other potentially offensive remarks, I make no apologies.. so you can go ahead and fuck yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! :)

12:33 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Don't worry about offending your readers. You must have readers in order to offend them.

No offense.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Buddha Bubba said...

"Don't worry about offending your readers. You must have readers in order to offend them.

No offense."
- Jay

None taken

4:15 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I know you know how much I hate the spammers. I've got over 200 messages fromt his past weekend that they went and put all over my blogs. Now I have to go and delete all of them. The comment spam is the worst though; they're leaches.

Sending junk mail to my email is one thing, but to go and put a fucking ad on my blog is beyond bad taste. It's as tasteless as someone putting a 'kick me' sign on your back, but instead of asking people to kick you, they make you out to be a shill for the underhanded business the spam is for.

I wish the worst kinds of fate for them.

4:22 PM  

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