Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Fatwa (with a cost-benefit analysis)

Yes, Pat Robertson is fucking insane. You didn't get the memo? Well, look here and here. I would be shocked that a "man of God" would suggest assassinating a foreign leader (for convenience sake), but then I remember the shit Robertson has said in the past.

Frankly, this is mild in comparison. Go Google some past stories if you do not believe me. What I find particularly disgusting in this case is his pragmatism. This lacks any real spiritual matter, this is purely political. It is cold and calculating, a "fatwa" with a cost-benefit analysis.

How can you even rationalize such an immoral and callous remark (especially, from a prominent religious figure)? Did I miss the part where Jesus said, "Forget about that cheek turning business, if you got a problem, pop a cap in their ass! It's a whole lot cheaper to boot!" I wanted to pick this apart, but to be honest, I am already tired of this story. I've been tired of Pat Robertson and his ilk for quite some time.

If Jesus plans on coming back, he should do it now. Why? I think he's the only one who can straighten these assholes out. But did you ever think, if Jesus did come back, would we know it? Or would we just "nail him to the cross" again as a false prophet?

It would probably happen this way, and like the first time, by those that claim to be the most pious. The world's filled with people who think they know what the Bible says, even though it clearly runs against it. I'm not a Christian, but I have respect for Christians that are rational and compassionate, and feel sorry that they have an asshole like this tainting their faith.

On a lighter note, I "co-created" a joke on this matter with Chris.

I'll post an update tomorrow on what has been going on, (sorry for the delay).


Blogger Jay said...

The odd thing was that, upon hearing about this in the news, I was not surprised in the least.

Unfortunately the bible whose advice Pat Robertson is following appears to not be the one I've read.

I'm pretty sure on the "What would Jesus do" scale Mr. Robertson is 180 degrees out most of the time.


10:32 AM  

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