Tuesday, July 05, 2005

We're instituting a 'closed-door' policy.

Work is fine, as long as I shut the door and pretend no one is there. Working isn't a problem, being AT work is the problem. And by work, I mean the social environment. I like having an office to go to, especially one with a door, preferably closed. It's like going to the library to study. It eliminates distractions, and seperates work from home.

However, it doesn't work like that. You are thrown together with people you normally would have nothing to do with. Not that they are horrible people, just not people you'd choose to hang out with for eight hours a day, five days a week, for around fifty weeks a year. And if you are really lucky, you get to waste additional time with the random assholes on the bus, or on the road. Well, you get my point.

This is to say nothing of the actual work to be done. Again, working isn't the issue, stopping to think about your work's insignifigance is. The insignifigance of company policy, with all its associated, dehumanizing qualities. Makes you wonder if mental illness is just a by-product of these conditions, much like how animals in a zoo act. Stuck in an unnatural setting, for a questionable purpose, where you slowly tear your hair out and swim in the wrong direction for many hours straight.

Yes, we are in the Matrix, but it is very, VERY boring.

So to alleviate the boredom, let's talk about my bowel movements...

For a while now, I've been a camel. But instead of water it's, well.. shit. Damn Grape Nuts. It's hamster food, but addictive somehow. For a while there, I thought I might die from compaction. I was so constipated, that by the time I could crap again, it was like stone. It all came out in one, huge, spiralling piece. It was a fucking work of art!

That was last Thursday. Now, given the amount of BBQ I consumed this July 4, my problem is over, (though, I think it swung too much in the opposite direction).

I was going to start that Wikipedia contest today, but all I could come up with was 'asparagus' and 'John Malkovich'. Not sure if I should even explain this. To be honest, not sure the whole "contest" was a great idea. Maybe I'll change my mind, but I don't think I have the dedication, (just check my frequency of posting for a prime example).

Oh well...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmm. Yummy!

BBQ this is. :)

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I am losing weight on the low carb diet, it is fucking up my bowel movements something terrible. I have always looked forward to my four to six time a day, rather explosive, potty times. Now I am lucky if I can go once, and it is certainly not as enjoyable an experience. Also my magazine reading time has been cut down considerably...

Just in case you were wondering....

1:35 PM  

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