Wednesday, August 10, 2005

And you thought you were bad...

The next time your family or friends complian about you playing video games too much, point them to this article. A South Korean man played 50 hours straight, (except for bathroom breaks and a few quick naps), at an Internet cafe. What finally got him off the computer?

A heart failure.

I guess you CAN die from being on the computer too much. Then again, I think I just gave ammo to my wife. But frankly, I could use a few reminders. I usually find out she's mad after the fact.

That's not quite true, she does HINT at it, but it is often subtle and I miss it. Wait, that's not fair. She does hit me over the head a lot; I often say something to the effect of, "Just a few more minutes."

Well, this guy said that, too, but a few minutes later he died. Just goes to show you: life is short, enjoy it, but don't play around too much, or you'll miss some important shit. I'm not going to stop playing games, but I should probably keep track of the amount of time I'm on the computer. (Then again, you'd think the rising and setting sun would have been a good "stop gap" for the guy.)

Honestly, do you want the words "Everquest" and "camping" in your eulogy?


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