Saturday, September 24, 2005

Addicted to Modern Conveniences

One thing Rita has taught me is how much people can be addicted to modern conveniences. Many of the people evacuating had legitimate concerns, but quite a few just didn't want to be without electricity and such. The joke was on them when they got stuck in traffic for hours on end without A/C. It makes me angry that these pussies made it more difficult for the people who actually needed to be evacuated from leaving. I could rant a long time about this, but my friend Chris says it more eloquently than I can.

In fact, many of them are rushing back as fast as they can, (which isn't very fast). These idiots are stuck in traffic again, and getting in the way of emergency workers and others who actually need to be on the road.

To highlight the recent absurdities, please review the pictures below:

What you are looking at is the drive-thru lane of a local Taco Bell, stretching around the block. Yes.. Taco Bell. This is adjacent to the Deer Brook mall in Houston, (the Kingwood/Humble area). I made my friend stop so I could take a picture of it. It was one of the very few eating establishments that reopened late this afternoon. I won't bother you with further commentary or my opinions, I will let the picture speak for itself.


Blogger Chris said...

Hey Bubbha,

I think we talked about this on Saturday night but my memory is pretty foggy from that night. On Thursday as I made tracks to come see ya'll I was amazed at how many people were to be found in the drive-thru lines of fast-food places. There's a city-wide shortage of gas and people are blowing it on a freaking drive-thru? That's amazing.

The Taco Bell is equally amazing. On Saturday there were lines up to three and a half hours long around town for gas. I saw people pushing their cars to the station in some cases. Then you have these nut jobs who will idle in line for two hours for a freaking taco?

Have these people never heard of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? There is no reason to be this wasteful. On top of that it is Taco Bell for crissakes... Why eat there when there's a Dunkin' Donuts open down the street?

I had a great time with ya'll on Thursday and Saturday night. I'm glad you two made it through without any damage.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

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3:13 PM  

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