Wednesday, February 23, 2005

There's Nothing Funny About This

My submission for understatement of the year: Cutting off someone's penis is wrong.

What the FUCK did THIS guy do to deserve his dick being cut off, and having it flushed down the toilet by his girlfriend!? Did he rape her or someone else? Did he cut off something important of her's? Did he sadistically torture her!? What!?

If this woman was just pissed off because he was breaking up with her, cheated on her, or something like that, I'll fucking scream. You don't just go chopping off someone's fireman because you are a "woman scorned". And from the sound of the story, it seems the case. If so, I hope horrible things are wrought upon her, worse than I can imagine, worse than the things I wish upon the fuckers who covered Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb recently!

Also, the news story stated the following: "She was charged with assault, domestic violence and tampering with evidence, and jailed without bail. " Somehow, 'tampering with evidence' doesn't seem to fully capture the idea behind FLUSHING SOME'S PECKER DOWN THE TOILET! 'Assault' just doesn't cut it, either. I'm sure the cops looked for the "penis chopping" category, before finally settling on assault.

And don't fucking shake your head at me, thinking I'm some stereotypical man, who completely centers his value around his dick! I don't care if it is an arm, breast, asshole, or whatever, (not sure how an asshole would work, and I don't want to imagine it), but ripping off people's body parts, especially the really valuable ones, for minor or imagined offenses, gets me pissed off! (This should be another big understandment). I just can't imagine being that twisted, (or incredibly stupid), so forgive me for being a little angry.

Anyway, if you have more information on this, and can clear things up, please let me know.

I almost didn't make this post, because ESS already covered it. But I found out about it on Slate, and it included an interesting factoid: "A single leech can suck up 10 cubic centimeters of blood from a severed penis"

Try using THAT bit of trivia at your next dinner party!

Maybe the title of this post isn't exactly right, the leech thing is pretty funny...


Blogger Buddha Bubba said...

Hmm, I'll believe the "uncle" thing when I hear something official. I never trust anything on a radio show, (especially on AM channels).

If it is true, it might be a whole other situation, depending on the details. But right now, it doesn't make sense, (especially the uncle thing).

BTW, when you mean she should have just left, do you mean before or after cutting Mr. Willy? If after, why?

9:54 AM  
Blogger ? said...

Hey Bubbha, has Sparkey shut down her blog? If so, what gives? I keep getting a Blogger: 404 Page not Found message.

2:33 PM  
Blogger ? said...

Blogs are so passé anyway. Thanks for the laughs though. Come back soon. :)

11:19 AM  

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