Wednesday, January 12, 2005

They can fire you for that?

A friend sent me an article located here. It details a blogger that got fired from work because of his blog. At first I thought, "Chris?", but it was in the UK. The details are what get me: he only had two posts related to his work, they were pretty tame water cooler "my boss sucks" comments, no sensitive information was revealed, and the best part, he worked for a bookstore! You really need to read it for the full effect. I'm not sure what his company was thinking, because NOW they have bad publicity. I'm not sure if they have a good explanation, but I'm interested to hear it.

Speaking of which, I still haven't figure out that Tom Delay congressional prayer breakfast incident. The media didn't mention it at all, (because they're all liberal, right?), even though it was caught on video and on MP3 format. Maybe it just looks bad on the outside, maybe they read flood passages all the time, (hell, I know there is at least one more in the Bible). Maybe they have people that get up and read passages from the Bible who don't precede or follow up with commentary, (seriously). There must be a reason. I know not everyone watches CSPAN, (okay, most people don't), but it was a recorded public event, you think they would have more sense.

Hell, even my company thinks farther than that, and they don't have any obligations, AND it was a private event! An internal company video was created for a meeting, which had large crashing waves in it, (part of brand imaging). It was a large meeting, one of many, and our company is very large, (global), so the videos are professionally produced and very expensive. To make a long story short, instead of spending a lot, (and I mean A LOT), to edit the possibly offending images out, (giving the timing of world events), they spent the money they would have used doing that on direct aid to the tsunami victims. Pretty smart, when you think about it.

I can't say the same about DeLay.

Crap, I vaguely and anonymously mentioned work, I better start looking for a job.


Blogger Chris said...

The correct term for being fired for blogging is being 'dooced' named after one of my long term favortie bloggers at



3:59 PM  
Blogger Buddha Bubba said...

Wow, I feel enlightened, thank you!

5:20 PM  
Blogger Mahala said...

Where I work, we have the philosphy that you can only get fired for something if you're caught doing it and management has told you "I really mean it.. if you get caught again we'll fire you." Okay, someday we won't be so short staffed and we'll lose our false sense of security.

6:02 PM  

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