Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Sorry for the DeLay!

I hope you have heard about this, but if not, the gist is this: Tom DeLay was at a Congressional Prayer Service last week and read Matthew 7:21-27. For those of you, (like me), who never got any gold stars during Bible board games in Sunday school, the passage mentions a flood that destroys a house built on sand. Now, I know excuses may be going through many of your heads, but given the recent tsunami it was either incredibly stupid, or incredibly cold. Coming from Bush, I would choose the former. However, given that it is "the Hammer" we are talking about, I tend to go to the latter. What makes it pretty cut and dry for me is that there was nothing preceding, or following, the speaking of the passage. Who know, there may be an extenuating circumstance, but I'm not giving DeLay the benefit of the doubt.

If you want to check out an interesting blog discussion of the incident, go here. Also, CSPAN has the video of the event in their video archive. I'd post a direct link, but when I did it, it was http://www.cspan.org/VideoArchives.asp?CatCodePairs=,&ArchiveDays=100&Page=5, but obviously, it has changed given that it was a search result.

Even though I think ol' Tommy boy is Damien, the anti-christ, or at the very least, Machiavelli's wet dream; I'm not some sort of "liberal conspiracy theorist", I'm not Michael Moore, or this guy I know that says Al Franken is a Republican mole. (He's always going on about his teeth, "plaque conspiracy", metallica, or something; I don't know, he was high at the time). I'm just a guy that writes run on sentences that go no where until I doubt my own sanity and pass out.


Blogger Chris said...

As far as I am concerned, if God was in the business of smiting people for doing wrong then Tom DeLay would have the worst case of the gout we've ever see. He'd make the Elephant Man look like Brat Pitt.

One can dream can't they?

3:54 PM  

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