Thursday, January 20, 2005

New Blog Idea

Chris said I should blog about all my comments on other people's blogs. You know, create a link to the comments I make, I guess like a "best of " or something. God knows I post more on other people's blogs than my own.

I also think that my wife and I are going to start having our fights on the web. We both think it is easier to write out our thoughts than speak them, and we can end up getting free advice. Well, really, it's just to get people to root for our respective side. Hell, maybe there can even be betting on who will win.

I'd probably just throw a few fights for a quick buck. Fuck it, this idea has probably been done before, (but it won't stop us from fighting). Doesn't matter, our fights aren't that interesting, anyways.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t know if the fights may be interesting to the rest of us. Unfortunately, they will surely seem familiar.
Why does it have to be that way?? I remember being newly married and feeling angry. So thinking I was a mature woman I tried to sit down with new husband and have a conversation about “fighting fair.” His response that he couldn’t talk to me “because he hadn’t been married before.” W..h..a..t?!!?! I hadn’t been married before either. WHYYYY couldn’t he just talk, try to understand, even meet me ¼ of the way?? Do you see the total absurdity of the situation. Will you someday look back and see the absurdity of not trying to work things out right now?? Rosie

7:21 AM  
Blogger Buddha Bubba said...

Actually, I try to work things out with my wife. To listen to her, and discuss, whatever she thinks is not going right. It's not always successful. I don't always remember things we have talked about, I don't always properly understand her, or I'm just on another planet. But I put the effort in and try to fix things or improve myself. I am a Good Husband (tm), and my wife would agree with that without qualification, (hopefully).

However, it's not enough. You owe it to the other person, not only to cater to their feelings, but your own as well. Whenever a relationship gets out of whack, when there is no equilibrium, it ceases to be a healthy relationship. This means that not only should I listen to my wife and work things out, but I need to bring up things that bother me, too. If not, her perception of the relationship is incomplete, which can only end up feeding off itself in a downward spiral.

This last part I am slowly learning. Sometimes you bring something up, and it's the wrong idea. But it's okay to make mistakes as long as you have the right approach. No reason to be a perfectionist in a relationship, (or passive aggressive to avoid the situation all together), because it is extremely unrealistic and especially harmful.

Again, learning this slowly as well.

TRANSLATION: If I get pissed/concerned about something I think is signifigant, I owe it to my wife to bring it up, and not hide from a confrontation. I might be proven wrong, or I may have to push until she realizes the truth, (or I may have to make up from being an asshole). The best things in life are not risk-free, especially in love.

Okay, that was stupid, but you get the point. Sorry about being preachy, because it makes me come off like I am not listening to other's thoughts. Another thing I am slowly learning about...

Thanks for the comment.

5:05 PM  
Blogger Jules said...

Oh, god, do you have ANY idea how much I love this man?

He rocks.

Our issues are minor (in my opinion), but I see no need to allow them to become major. We always end up cuddling up together, with all the anger melted away, once we've (or I've) managed to effectively communicate whatever it was that was causing tension between us.

So, let's duke it out. Can't hurt.

And I do think you need to speak up more. I dish it out far too much.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Kitti and I do lots of our fighting on the web. That way we can exactly quote each other AND it's entertaining for the rest of you.

Re: blogging you comments, that's what I do a bit on Jays Blog Tracks.

In fact I'll blog this comment by highlighting the text and pushing the "Blog This" button right after I've published the comment. Don't even have to CTRL-C or anything!


4:29 PM  

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