Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Don't Read My Lips

It seems that Pat Robertson was 'misinterpreted' about his recent comments (read full story here):

"I didn't say 'assassination.' I said our special forces should 'take him out.' And 'take him out' can be a number of things, including kidnapping; there are a number of ways to take out a dictator from power besides killing him. I was misinterpreted by the AP [Associated Press], but that happens all the time," Robertson said on "The 700 Club" program.

However, this is what he said:

"If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think we really ought to go ahead and do it," said Robertson on Monday's program. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war."


Wow, that is a fucking blatant LIE if there every was one! I think my senility theory is being proven, or he's even more of an evil cock sucker than I originally thought. If you still think it might have been a matter of being misinterpreted or misquoted, (or if you are just curious), watch the original video. There isn't much room for interpretation.

If he was honest, he would either say:
A) "I misspoke. Looking back, I could see how it would be taken that way, but I never intended it to be. I apologize for any confusion. What I was trying to say was..."
B) "We all say some pretty dumb stuff, that we don't really mean, every once in a while. I just happened to be televisions a lot. You know, 'law of averages' and such. Um.. sorry."
C) "Yea, I know what I said, and I'm stickin' to it!"

But he didn't. He said it was AP's fault, that they misinterpreted him. But we can watch the video for ourselves, and make our own interpretation, and there is only really one way to take what he said. What was already quoted matches what he says on the video, anyways. The video isn't spliced together, and it wasn't some ambush on some talk show, catching him off guard. It was HIS OWN show!

Besides, is preaching political kidnappings of world leaders that haven't attacked us, haven't invaded another country, or haven't committed any atrocities against their own people much better? I'm not saying I like Chavez, not in the least. But why is Robertson ready to hand out the sniper rifles for this guy, while he tried to dissuade us from interfering with Liberia?

“How dare the president of the United States say to the duly elected president of another country, 'You've got to step down,'"

(You can read more here.)

Yea, how DARE he say Taylor, (who has done as much, if not worse, to his country than Chavez has), needs to step down. But kill or kidnap Chavez, NO PROBLEM! Maybe it is a lack of creativity (or conviction) on my part. Maybe I just have a hard time understanding how 2 + 2 is sometimes 5.

... fuckin' dipshit!

UPDATE: Robertson just made an apology.. at least for the cap poppin' in the ass part (read here):

"Is it right to call for assassination? No, and I apologize for that statement," he said in a written statement.

Not sure what to believe, or even if it is sincere. Either way, Robertson is still a crack pot.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Fatwa (with a cost-benefit analysis)

Yes, Pat Robertson is fucking insane. You didn't get the memo? Well, look here and here. I would be shocked that a "man of God" would suggest assassinating a foreign leader (for convenience sake), but then I remember the shit Robertson has said in the past.

Frankly, this is mild in comparison. Go Google some past stories if you do not believe me. What I find particularly disgusting in this case is his pragmatism. This lacks any real spiritual matter, this is purely political. It is cold and calculating, a "fatwa" with a cost-benefit analysis.

How can you even rationalize such an immoral and callous remark (especially, from a prominent religious figure)? Did I miss the part where Jesus said, "Forget about that cheek turning business, if you got a problem, pop a cap in their ass! It's a whole lot cheaper to boot!" I wanted to pick this apart, but to be honest, I am already tired of this story. I've been tired of Pat Robertson and his ilk for quite some time.

If Jesus plans on coming back, he should do it now. Why? I think he's the only one who can straighten these assholes out. But did you ever think, if Jesus did come back, would we know it? Or would we just "nail him to the cross" again as a false prophet?

It would probably happen this way, and like the first time, by those that claim to be the most pious. The world's filled with people who think they know what the Bible says, even though it clearly runs against it. I'm not a Christian, but I have respect for Christians that are rational and compassionate, and feel sorry that they have an asshole like this tainting their faith.

On a lighter note, I "co-created" a joke on this matter with Chris.

I'll post an update tomorrow on what has been going on, (sorry for the delay).

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Brown Sound in Surround

Yes, it's that time again!

I was working at my desk, trying to organize my day, when I realized I had to go to the restroom. Bad. As you know, I don't look forward to this. Everything was going fine, until someone entered the stall to my left. "Oh great," I thought, "time to hurry up and finish!" Unfortunately, I wasn't ready.

You know that feeling where you're pretty sure you are done shitting, but you don't feel comfortable yet to wipe your ass and leave? That feeling, where if you get up, you might have to come right back? Well, I had that. Usually, I think it is due more to muscle strain, rather than a pressure in the chute, (a warning of things to come). I know that the last comment was "too-much-information", even for me, but you know what I mean! It's just this undeniable, instinctual voice going, "Hold up there partner, I wouldn't be puttin' on your draws just yet!" (Yes, the voice of my bowels sounds like John Wayne, probably due to the toilet paper.)

So I was stuck. Of course when my neighbor sits down, it shakes my toilet. I don't know why it does that, but I find it disturbing! Even if I hold my nose, and close my ears, that shake reminds me that I don't have any privacy.

In the corner of my eye, I see his foot under the stall. Great, I even have to be reminded of his presence with my eyes. I ignore it, and avert my eyes. Then the horrible sounds come, the kind that make you realize that the guy on the other side of the thin wall needs to eat more fiber. If Hell had an orchestra, it would be the trumpet section.

Then the trombones came in. Yes folks, we had a grunter! Grunting and breathing heavy like a fat guy running a marathon. To make matters worse, my eyes were drawn back to his foot. Your peripheral vision doesn't transmit much color or shape information to your brain, but it's great at detecting movement. I instinctively look over, and see his right foot press down on the floor with his toes, the movement of someone trying to reach for something too high. I though it was just a random movement, until I realized it was synchronizing with his sounds. This guy was struggling, I almost thought he would start saying, "Who does Number Two work for!?"

Too much information, but that's exactly my point. These are pretty private details that your co-workers should not know about you. I then realized I know what his shoes look like. I don't even give people's foot attire much noticed, but I'm afraid that today I might subconsciously do just that. Not wanting to know who it was, but not being able to help my curiosity.

Then someone enters, and goes into the stall to my right. Shit luck.

Did the guy to my right have to go that bad, or was he just that comfortable completing a bathroom trifecta? Then he starts, and I realize he had the same breakfast burritos as the guys to my left. This is what I call, "The Brown Sound in Surround."

Why would I put myself in a situation to set up a BSS? There are only three stalls: the one on the left has a weak door latch and is nearest to the urinals, the one on the right is one of those funky handicap stalls, and the one in the middle is juuust right. Well, except for the BSS potential.

If I still wasn't ready to go, it didn't matter after the guy to my right started. I finished up, and got the fuck out of there. It ended up that I did return later, thankfully, in peace and privacy.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Posting More

From now on, I'm posting more. I make a big deal out of what I post, but it doesn't need to be perfect. It doesn't have to be ground breaking, or a work of art. Two things have impressed this upon me again.

A few people on Chris' blog critiqued a recent post of his. Not due to their opinions of his behavior or beliefs, but because of his writing style and content. The content was merely about his time growing up, being stuck between being a British and an American kid, (well.. and cricket). They thought it was boring. And as far as writing style went, the post was a lot better than most blogs out there.

So what would make people post, in my opinion, these nit picky comments? They have high expectations of Chris' writing. While I still think these expectations are unreasonable and silly, they did get me thinking, "Does anyone even have any expectations of me?" Hell, is anyone even reading this, except for a few blog buddies? So why should I be so anal retentive about posting?

The second thing was a post on Jay's blog. I hadn't read his blog in a while, and decided to catch up, (not exactly there yet). I thought he made a nice complement of me, (I think it was meant as a complement), that it was unfortunate that I post so infrequently. This made me remember a few other people saying similar things. This gave me encouragement. It's not that I need people revering my writing, or frequenting it everyday, to make it worth while to post. I just need a feeling that someone is listening, and appreciating it in whatever way they do. this has existed, but I haven't realized it.

Also, no one is going to check up on this blog that often, get ready for this mind blower.. if I don't post more!

So that's what I am doing now. So to everyone who has been encouraging, I appreciate it. I try to read everyone's blog, too, but I slip sometimes. I end up catching up, though.

On that note, there are also some blogs I have to avoid like the plague. There are people out there that just piss me off too much. When I get pissed off, I usually get sucked in. Why? Because I want to fix things. In order to fix things, I try to understand. In order to understand, well, it involves A LOT of reading.

I guess my problem is I try to find redeeming qualities in everyone. Don't let the cynicism and grumpiness fool you, I'm actually fairly 'positive'. I find it sad when someone is so fucking delusional and blind. Not that I'm being judgmental of people's lives. We all make mistakes, and I have no expectations that everyone, or everything needs to be perfect.

I just want people to not get lost in the irrational and illusory. This usually comes down to politics and religion. It's not that I want people to see my side of things, and believe what I believe. I think it takes all sorts to make the world go 'round. But there are a lot of extreme, misguided, walking stereotypes out there with a myopic world view. People whose personal development is fairly stunted. They seem to meet the frustration and uncertainty of life by finding a simplistic set of beliefs, and forcing reality to fit it, no matter the cost.

Any political or religious (or atheist) view point can fall victim to this. It is really beyond that, though. It is a how, not a what. It is an approach to ideas, life and people. Sometimes there is a specific focal point, like a political organization, but it can also be something much more general.

It's like they are walking through life with their eyes and ears shut most of the time, at least to the things they don't want to see or hear. In a way, it may feel safer and more stable, but you miss a whole lot out there, (namely, reality). It also seems like they spread the fog around them to others, like a virus, a means to justify their belief system.

They are the kind of people who can believe 2 + 2 = 5, and not blink an eye or doubt that it is a fact. Their world does not have to be rational, just safe, especially from doubt. Yet they wipe their mind of this compromise, claim themselves righteous, and mock others as irrational.

Voltaire once said, "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one." I would agree, but there are many that do not. They seek the shelter of certainty, for one or many things. Surrounded, and only listening to those that agree with them, they become absurdities.

Maybe I'm not explaining it perfectly, but I'm not sure I could. I'm not one for labels. They are rarely fitting, often misused, and usually twisted and co-opted, (many times by the type of person I am talking about). A name has power; it offers a mark to aim a weapon at. The only thing I can add would be: If the were in the "Matrix," and were offered the choice, they would take the blue pill.

I'm also trying to be a little vague, because this topic was triggered in my mind by a visit to another blog. I'm not here to start a blog war, or debate with the deaf. Because in the end, who is more a fool: the fool, or the one who chooses to argue with the fool?

And you thought you were bad...

The next time your family or friends complian about you playing video games too much, point them to this article. A South Korean man played 50 hours straight, (except for bathroom breaks and a few quick naps), at an Internet cafe. What finally got him off the computer?

A heart failure.

I guess you CAN die from being on the computer too much. Then again, I think I just gave ammo to my wife. But frankly, I could use a few reminders. I usually find out she's mad after the fact.

That's not quite true, she does HINT at it, but it is often subtle and I miss it. Wait, that's not fair. She does hit me over the head a lot; I often say something to the effect of, "Just a few more minutes."

Well, this guy said that, too, but a few minutes later he died. Just goes to show you: life is short, enjoy it, but don't play around too much, or you'll miss some important shit. I'm not going to stop playing games, but I should probably keep track of the amount of time I'm on the computer. (Then again, you'd think the rising and setting sun would have been a good "stop gap" for the guy.)

Honestly, do you want the words "Everquest" and "camping" in your eulogy?