Saturday, October 30, 2004

Better late than never...

This post has been delayed, but better late than never.

Well, when I asked the Nick Lampson campaign about why there weren't any of their signs along two of the major roads in my area, but a whole lot of Ted Poe signs, I got this response:

"I understand your concern about signs. The Poe campaign has hire henchmen to pull up our signs wherever they see them. So, I'm certain this is what has happened in your area. We have even opened a North Harris County Field Office on 1960 two months ago (102 FM 1960 West)."

There were a couple of other paragraphs, but it was all boiler plate, and not directly related to my inquiry. It all seems kind of strange, and I'm not sure what to believe, but during this election there is nothing I wouldn't put pass anyone.

In fact, since I'm in Texas, and obviously not a Republican, I was thinking about voting for a third party. Right now, they have vote pairing sites, just like in the 2000 election. And while there is some controversy behind them, I think they are a good idea. In 2000, people in swing states would agree with a person in a "safe" state, like Texas, to exchange candidates. For instance, a person in Florida would agree with someone from Texas to vote for Al Gore instead of Nader, and in exchange, that person from Texas would vote for Nader. The idea is, at present, 3rd parties don't have enough power to get elected. However, if they can get 5% of the vote, they qualify for federal funding, which in turn helps them be more competitive in future elections. For more information, see this article:

I believe we need more choices in this country to make it a properly working democracy. Unfortunately, I think Nader is a total tool. Not because of the 2000 election, but because of his general attitude and approach to politics. I could probably go into more detail about him in a future post, but right now, it's just another tangent. Maybe I'm being too hard on the guy when I call him a tool, but I really don't see him as much of a third choice.

I was actually thinking about voting for the Libertarian candidate. Yes, you read right. I'm not a party hack of any kind, and I still believe most of the Libertarians I've read or met are Ayn Rand "fuck the poor" types, but at least we wouldn't have the following from them:

1) Pseudo-morality debates that pander to the fringe, and distract away from real issues
2) An ill-conceived "war on drugs"
3) Warmongering
4) Corporate Welfare
5) Laws that robe us of our natural/god-given liberties
6) Racist immigration policies
7) Did I mention the drugs?

I don't totally trust them as far as the environment and education is concerned, but when it comes right down to it, I like an inefficient goverment. I'm not an anarchist, but I do believe one thing: individuals don't suck, but when they get into large groups, their stupidity gets the best of them. That's the reason why we have branches of government, why we have checks and balances. Too much power, especially when it is the highly "efficient" variety, is dangerous.

After 9-11, I saw things get a little too "efficient". People were scared, and were not thinking straight. They wanted something done now, and damn the consequences! People were afraid to question leadership and the direction of this country in general. They were willing to give too much power over to someone else, to make all their problems go away.

Of course, things never work out well when this happens. People sought leadership, and got exploitation. Where once we were united in tragedy, we were divided by fear mongering. I see the past four years, and I am not happy. I see what is on the horizon, and it looks like more of the same. I DON'T want to see "four more years" of the same.

Perhaps that is not the best expression of my feelings, of my anger and frustration, but it will have to do for now. This post took long enough to write.

I was also going to write about the Jon Stewart incident of Crossfire. I meant to write about it as one of my first blog posts. But the more I wrote, the more threads it pulled at. That whatever I wrote, it wouldn't do the subject justice.

But there is one thing I will say, some of the responses to the incident has pissed me off a bit. There are a lot people picking away at the guy, and ignoring the message. And even what they are picking at is stupid:

1) That "He's a hypocrite"

Give me a fucking break, it's a comedy show. Now while maybe not "Crank Yankers", and more political satire, it is not CNN. They rip BAD into a lot of politicians and media whores. They don't regurgitate the talking points, and offer real perspective in their satire. But during the interviews, if they treated their guests the same way, it wouldn't be funny. And that is their main goal, HUMOR. Now, if Jon finds a moment where he can be aggressive with his guest AND be funny, he usually does.

Not a perfect situation, but even as a "political satire", they are closer than the mainstream media to the ideal. THEY EVEN GOT A FUCKING PEABODY AWARD FOR CHRIST SAKE! This only shows how fucked up things have gotten, NOT how legitimate they are!

2) The "Clown nose off, clown nose on" Syndrome

Some people think that the above attitude is cowardly. That he criticizes the media, and then hides behind his clown nose. But again, even if you want to say that he is more than just a comedian, or that he can't have it both ways, you do have to agree that the responsibility of a "political satirist" is different than a journalist. That his show is not a debate show, but satire. That when people come on, he just keeps it funny. The real meat of the show has always been the satire, and not the interview.

3) That he's a partisan

Pot, meet kettle. Pot, kettle, meet a distraction. He doesn't hide his views, that's what makes it political satire, a point of view. But he's not a partisan, it's not constricted by talking points, but the anger against absurdity. You can say he is "left-leaning", but when John McCain comes on, they get along great. Not only is he funny, but he's a reasonable person. And John McCain is not the only person on "the right" that gets treated this way. Anyone like that gets responded to well. Yet, anyone who is a short-sighted, two-dimensional hack, will be torn apart both outside and during an interview.

4) The "Rudeness" Factor

Fuck you!

5) "What does he know?"

He's only a comedian, right? The guy is an educated man, first of all. Second, a good comedian takes a lot of intelligence and creativity. Especially, political satire. Especially, for a program that won a fucking Peabody Award! (I still think this is absurd!) So, see #4.

I know I haven't cover the whole thing very well, but it's my stab at it. Maybe someone can pick everything I said apart, and I can refine my rant. Or maybe I'll just ignore you. I don't know, I just think we need to stop the bullshit. Stop attacking the person, and listening to the messgae. Start being reasonable, and open our eyes to the truth. To look with our OWN eyes. To think for ourselves, and question authority. To not accept how the world is framed for us, but help refine things together.

Or, we can just keep this silly drama up, talk about the same bullshit at the watercooler tomorrow, and be lost in our own little delusions. Fuck it, let's go watch CNN or Fox News until we get retarded! Then when we do something stupid, (which we always do), we can blame it on someone else and still claim our self-righteousness.

Ahhh, I think it's about time to pop some popcorn, watch some blood, explosions, and/or sex scandels on CNN, and jerk off to Paula Zahn!

(I'd do this with Fox News, but I hate those assholes, and they don't got a nice piece of ass like Paula Zahn! I'm sorry, but Anne Coultier looks like a retarded horse in a blonde wig. I seriously don't understand why people think she is attractive. I really think she looks like a German lesbian tennis player. That, and she's a facist, seriously.)

A horse is a horse, of course of course

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Speak English, you're giving me a headache!

A big thanks go to my wife. Without her, I don't think I would have had as many readers right now.

In the comments page to my original post, Good Husband and I had an exchange in Spanish. I have no idea if he knows Spanish, but I know very little. Actually, the conversation we carried on, at least on my part, due to the translator on Let's just say, something got lost in translation.

After finally figuring out what he was saying, (something about how I was a Prohibition Party member because I shot the rest of the parties down), I came back with the following:

¿Ése es su razonamiento en que cree mí es un miembro del partido de prohibición? ¡Triste, muy triste! Usted necesita ampliar su mente un pedacito.

¿Usted piensa porque me río de las cajas de la gente, eso que es apenas una cuestión de la caja derecha? ¿O ésa quizá que tiene una caja más grande es la respuesta? No, ninguno de éstos es verdad. No es uniforme una cuestión de una diversa caja o envase formada. No importa la composición o la naturaleza de la caja, sigue siendo una caja.

Construimos la caja alrededor de nosotros mismos, y la realidad se ha convertido en la caja. No vivo en la caja, yo vivo en el que sea, apenas como usted. Todo lo que usted tiene que hacer debe parar el vivir en cajas. Usted inmóvil verá las cajas, pero no más de largo con la energía que usted les atribuye. Una caja es más de gran alcance que una nube en una forma familiar, usted la hace cuáles es.

¡Usted da energía a la ilusión, libera su mente!

¡Oh, y contestar a su pregunta, soy un extranjero! Creemos en solamente el partido intergaláctico que vendrá conectar a tierra elegido una vez, y la rotura violenta su civilización y rend sus cuerpos. ¡Eso la izquierda será esclavos y los juguetes del sexo para su demented fantasías anales!

¡Voto para J'h'lkv/Nader en ' 04!!!

What I meant for it to say was this, (the following text is what I put into the translator, and the above is what came out):

That is your reasoning in believing I am a member of the ProhibitionParty? Sad, very sad! You need to expand your mind a bit.

You think because I laugh at people's boxes, that it is just a matterof the right box? Or that maybe having a bigger box is the answer?No, none of these are true. It is not even a matter of a differentshaped box or container. It does not matter the composition or thenature of the box, it is still a box.

We constructed the box around ourselves, and reality has become thebox. I do not live in the box, I live in that which is, just likeyou. All you have to do is stop living in boxes. You will still seethe boxes, but no longer with the power you ascribe them. A box is nomore powerful than a cloud in a familiar shape, you make it what itis.

You give power to the illusion, free your mind!

Oh, and to answer your question, I'm an alien! We believe in only theIntergalactic Party that will come to Earth once elected, and smashyour civilization and rend your bodies. Those left will be slaves andsex toys for their demented anal fantasies!

Vote for J'h'lkv/Nader in '04!!!

Well, when you translate it back into English, (with the same translator), you get this:

That one is its reasoning in which I creates is a member of the prohibition party? Sad, very sad! You need to extend your mind a small piece. You think because I laugh to me of the boxes of people, that that is as soon as a question of the right box? Perhaps or that onethat has one more a greater box is the answer? No, no of these is truth. A question of a diverse box is not uniform or packages formed. It does not concern the composition or the nature of the box, continues being a box. We constructed the box around we ourself, andthe reality has become the box. Nonalive in the box, I live in whom is, as soon as like you. Everything what you must do must stop living in boxes. Immovable you will see the boxes, but not more of length with the energy that you attribute to them. A box is more long-range than a cloud in a familiar form, you do it which are. You give energy to the illusion, releases your mind! Oh, and to answer its question, Iam a foreigner! Let us create in only the intergalactic party that will come to connect once to chosen earth, and the breakage doesviolence to its civilization and rend its bodies. That the left will be enslaved and the toys of sex for his demented fantasies annals!Vote for J'h'lkv/Nader in ' 04!

My god, that is a fucking headache, I didn't even read it! If you did, have you ever thought about becoming a proof-reader/editor?

What!? Are you poe or sumthin'!?

I think we're all pretty fed up with this election year. More mudslinging, corruption, spin/bullshit, talking points, and just plain crappy choices. Sometimes, you have to ask yourself, do we really live in a democracy?

Case in point:

Every morning on the way to work, I drive by countless election signs. Yet, all these election signs are for one candidate only. The same signs in red, white, and blue telling me to vote for him, and nowhere in sight can I see his opposition. Nowhere along the same road, or a different road, or in the ENTIRE area can I see his opponent. I haven't seen it on TV, by phone, or anything. I do not even know his name until recently.

One day, I get one of those door knob advertisements, and it is for this very same candidate with all the signs. I read it and had a gag reflex. It stated his stances on various issues on it, and it was the current Republican boiler plate crap. After I stopped dry heaving, I was pissed. To give an example of some of the crap on it, he supports a gay marriage amendment, which of course, is always proceeded by the obligatory, "marriage is between a man and a woman", (maybe peppered with a little moral outrage).

Give me a fucking break. We are living in violent and uncertain times. We are at war, with many foreign diplomacy issues. The economy is not doing good, with many people having to give up careers and get ANY job, (if they're lucky), so they can pay their bills. And against all of this, which is only a very short list of our problems, you bring up gay marriage!? Are you out of your fucking mind!?

[Start Tangent]

We currently have legislation, the "Defense of Marriage Act", that handles this issue. But oh no, that's not enough! Let's tear into the Constitution! We don't want GAY people screwing up marriage. Why, think of what that means. If gay people can get married, my wife may start eating the neighbor's pussy! And then my son will turn into a pillow biter! Who knows, I might be next!

What is this, "Night of the Living Gay"!? When did giving someone else a right, that you already have, become a bad thing? We already have a high rate of divorce, single parent homes, domestic violence, and absentee parents. And guess who did that? Heterosexuals, not homosexuals.

Honestly, this is a bullshit issue, and that's why it pisses me off so much! I don't care if Chuck and Buck wanna fuck. I don't care if they want to get married. Hell, my favorite porn is when two beautiful women are making out and munching on each other's boxes! But if you think it's gross, fine, say so. Show your moral outrage if it makes you feel better, but don't make it a public policy issue, especially during THIS election!

[End Tangent]

Well now, imagine at least a half a dozen "issues" like this, including a very simple minded view of current political events, and you can imagine the "advertisement". I wondered, "Who is he running against?", and why haven't I heard anything yet? Well, I finally get a big hint.

One day, on my voice mail, I come across a political message "paid for by the RNC and not supported by any candidate". The message misrepresented the facts around the Home Land Security Act, and the events surrounding its passage, to take a pot shot at the incumbent. So basically, the RNC did the dirty work for their candidate because he's a pussy. And with a quick look up on the Internet, I see that the candidate the RNC message was bad mouthing was the candidate running against the fellow with all the signs on the road. Hmm...

At this point I think, "Why the fuck isn't the other guy putting up a fight!". The Democrat candidate running happens to be the incumbent and I've never seen any kind of advertisement or material of any kind! It makes no sense.

I live in Houston, so this should not surprise me, really. This, the town of George Bush, (actually, he's a Yankee). This, the town of that motherfucker Delay! Why should this surprise me?

What I'm going to try to do tomorrow is find the number for his campaign, if not his office, and ask what the fuck is up in the most civil of tones. While I hate the whole two-party system we have, I still strongly believe in democracy, and believe this nation should be a true democracy. I still believe in fucking REAL choices. This, in fact, is the reason why the current party structure bothers me. And in that light, I've got to know the story.

Because, while I hate all this elementary school "left/right" bullshit, I hate one sided fights even more. I'll let you know what I find out tomorrow...

Oh, and if for some reason you are a Republican reading this, and are pissed off, please see my initial post before you comment. And if you are a Democrat thoughtfully nodding your head, go see my initial post while you are here. And if you are a Libertarian, or something similar, just go whack off to Ayn Rand. In fact, I know what it will sound like:

"OOOooooohhhhh, I'm cumming!!! Fuck the poor, fuck the poor, ahhhhhhhh"


Thursday, October 21, 2004


Introduction: Screw the intro! Let's be honest, there are only a few reasons I can think of for people to read a blog:

1) You want to read the intimate details of someone's life, making you feel like someone's else's life is as screwed up, if not more, than yours.

2) You are a party hack who either wants to nod blandly in agreement with "your side", or post vacuous inflammetory remarks in the comments section of someone "on the other side".

3) You came seeking information.

4) You came seeking porno.

5) You want a laugh.

If there are more, let me know so I can ridicule them, too. As for the ones I listed:

1) Let me get this out of the way, your life is more screwed up than mine.

2) If you are a Republican, go fuck yourself you Facist*! If you are a Democrat, go fuck yourself you Pinko Commie! If you are a Libertarian, Milton Friedman is a little bitch! If you are undecided, make your fucking mind up already!

3) If you get the majority of your news/information from blogs, especially Drudge Report**, I think it's time for a little introspection on your part, mmmkay?

4) If I come across a couple of interesting links, I'll post them.. pervert.

5) You will come to find out that when I try to be funny, I'm not very funny. I'm only funny by accident. Which is an accident, and what is on purpose, I'm not saying.

* Yes, I know the Nazi party was called the Nationalist SOCIALIST party, but it was a FACIST dictatorship, (sounds like an identity crissis). And either way, once you get extreme one way or the other, it doesn't matter what you call yourself, you are a totalitarian. Does it really matter which boot, left or right, is on your neck, (yes, I stole that from someone)? But then again, I wasn't calling you a Nazi, you were just EXPECTING me to call you one! I'm more careful than that, asshole!

** I don't care what hat he tries to wear, he's a fucking blogger, not a journalist. Then again, most news agencies have talking heads that squawk back the bull shit they are fed like parrots instead of journalists. So he's one step ahead, I suppose.

Not sure where all of this is going, but at least I have a Blogger ID now, and can stop posting anonymously. Now I have a complimentary site to my wife's, (which I will link to, once I figure it out).

Generally, I'm always in the middle of a good thought that goes terribly awry. Like that dream you have, and upon waking, you still have the barest of grips on. One step closer to enlightenment, and then you awaken more. You slip, forgetting everything. You question the dreaming mind, you question that whole other world, and write it off as another silly biological process manifesting itself.

And then you go to work, to school, run some errands, or watch some TV. The dream loses its potency as the day progresses, and you slip deeper into the trappings of civilization. It becomes a two dimensional memory, with a structure that makes little sense. Words no longer fail you, you end up failing them.

Many of my thoughts are like that, bigger than me. I would think many of us are like that, but I'm not sure. Or maybe I'm not making any sense, and I'm trying to find a lofty way to explain that I am horrible at communicating.

Either way, I feel like a pissed off Zen Buddhist monk. One foot in "reality", one foot in "enlightenment". But every now and again, wondering if I'm just insane. In the end, not knowing if I'm just banging my head against the wall, or if the wall is hitting me.

"How come people always flip and think they're Jesus? Why not Buddha? Particularly in America, where more people resemble Buddha than Jesus. 'Ah'm BUDDHA!' 'You're Bubba!' 'Ah'm Buddha now..All I gotta do is change 3 letters on ma belt...'" - Bill Hicks

See you at the end of this ride, and the start of the next, but until then, we'll miss you Bill...