Thursday, October 21, 2004


Introduction: Screw the intro! Let's be honest, there are only a few reasons I can think of for people to read a blog:

1) You want to read the intimate details of someone's life, making you feel like someone's else's life is as screwed up, if not more, than yours.

2) You are a party hack who either wants to nod blandly in agreement with "your side", or post vacuous inflammetory remarks in the comments section of someone "on the other side".

3) You came seeking information.

4) You came seeking porno.

5) You want a laugh.

If there are more, let me know so I can ridicule them, too. As for the ones I listed:

1) Let me get this out of the way, your life is more screwed up than mine.

2) If you are a Republican, go fuck yourself you Facist*! If you are a Democrat, go fuck yourself you Pinko Commie! If you are a Libertarian, Milton Friedman is a little bitch! If you are undecided, make your fucking mind up already!

3) If you get the majority of your news/information from blogs, especially Drudge Report**, I think it's time for a little introspection on your part, mmmkay?

4) If I come across a couple of interesting links, I'll post them.. pervert.

5) You will come to find out that when I try to be funny, I'm not very funny. I'm only funny by accident. Which is an accident, and what is on purpose, I'm not saying.

* Yes, I know the Nazi party was called the Nationalist SOCIALIST party, but it was a FACIST dictatorship, (sounds like an identity crissis). And either way, once you get extreme one way or the other, it doesn't matter what you call yourself, you are a totalitarian. Does it really matter which boot, left or right, is on your neck, (yes, I stole that from someone)? But then again, I wasn't calling you a Nazi, you were just EXPECTING me to call you one! I'm more careful than that, asshole!

** I don't care what hat he tries to wear, he's a fucking blogger, not a journalist. Then again, most news agencies have talking heads that squawk back the bull shit they are fed like parrots instead of journalists. So he's one step ahead, I suppose.

Not sure where all of this is going, but at least I have a Blogger ID now, and can stop posting anonymously. Now I have a complimentary site to my wife's, (which I will link to, once I figure it out).

Generally, I'm always in the middle of a good thought that goes terribly awry. Like that dream you have, and upon waking, you still have the barest of grips on. One step closer to enlightenment, and then you awaken more. You slip, forgetting everything. You question the dreaming mind, you question that whole other world, and write it off as another silly biological process manifesting itself.

And then you go to work, to school, run some errands, or watch some TV. The dream loses its potency as the day progresses, and you slip deeper into the trappings of civilization. It becomes a two dimensional memory, with a structure that makes little sense. Words no longer fail you, you end up failing them.

Many of my thoughts are like that, bigger than me. I would think many of us are like that, but I'm not sure. Or maybe I'm not making any sense, and I'm trying to find a lofty way to explain that I am horrible at communicating.

Either way, I feel like a pissed off Zen Buddhist monk. One foot in "reality", one foot in "enlightenment". But every now and again, wondering if I'm just insane. In the end, not knowing if I'm just banging my head against the wall, or if the wall is hitting me.

"How come people always flip and think they're Jesus? Why not Buddha? Particularly in America, where more people resemble Buddha than Jesus. 'Ah'm BUDDHA!' 'You're Bubba!' 'Ah'm Buddha now..All I gotta do is change 3 letters on ma belt...'" - Bill Hicks

See you at the end of this ride, and the start of the next, but until then, we'll miss you Bill...


Blogger Jules said...

Honey, you are so getting laid tonight...

11:22 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

My response:

1. It doesn't matter. The important thing is traffic. Check out my blog Jay Loves Kitti and decide for yourself who's more messed up.

2. I agree completely, you pinko facist.

3. No way. I get all my information from Snopes. All news is either urban legend, soon to be, or debunked urban legend.

4. Thank you. There's so, so little porn on the internet we all need more.

5. If I can't laugh with you, hopefully I can laugh at you.

Welcome to the moronic, time wasting, cathartic world of Blogging. I only started three weeks ago but already need a 12 step program.


11:34 PM  
Blogger ? said...



1:01 AM  
Blogger lady godiva said...

vey cool
welcome to it

4:47 AM  
Blogger Chris said...


Estoy gozando de su blog. Fije por favor los acoplamientos al porn y a la información muy pequeños sobre sus razones de la prohibición de deseo del alcohol.


8:19 AM  
Blogger Buddha Bubba said...

I could have gotten laid? You post a comment on my blog, and then go to sleep? I'm mad at you, (or is it really myself?).

Kevin, that's for the sarcasm, you make me feel special.

Gracias GH, ningún porn todavía, mi hombre, quizá más adelante. ¿Por qué usted me piensa desea una prohibición en el alcohol?

9:31 AM  
Blogger Jules said...

Right - I was grinning at you like a damn retarded dog last night - hmmm. Maybe that's why you didn't come to bed with me.

Don't feel bad, I feel asleep before I got to the vibrator, so I got none either. :-)

What's with all this talk about prohibition?

10:00 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Pensé que usted era un miembro del partido de prohibición porque usted hacía coments sobre demócratas, republicanos y esos libertairians de nuez. Necesito el porn muy pequeño enviar a Chuck.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Buddha Bubba said...

¿Ése es su razonamiento en que cree mí es un miembro del partido de prohibición? ¡Triste, muy triste! Usted necesita ampliar su mente un pedacito.

¿Usted piensa porque me río de las cajas de la gente, eso que es apenas una cuestión de la caja derecha? ¿O ésa quizá que tiene una caja más grande es la respuesta? No, ninguno de éstos es verdad. No es uniforme una cuestión de una diversa caja o envase formada. No importa la composición o la naturaleza de la caja, sigue siendo una caja.

Construimos la caja alrededor de nosotros mismos, y la realidad se ha convertido en la caja. No vivo en la caja, yo vivo en el que sea, apenas como usted. Todo lo que usted tiene que hacer debe parar el vivir en cajas. Usted inmóvil verá las cajas, pero no más de largo con la energía que usted les atribuye. Una caja es más de gran alcance que una nube en una forma familiar, usted la hace cuáles es.

¡Usted da energía a la ilusión, libera su mente!

¡Oh, y contestar a su pregunta, soy un extranjero! Creemos en solamente el partido intergaláctico que vendrá conectar a tierra elegido una vez, y la rotura violenta su civilización y rend sus cuerpos. ¡Eso la izquierda será esclavos y los juguetes del sexo para su demented fantasías anales!

¡Voto para J'h'lkv/Nader en ' 04!!!

3:55 PM  
Blogger ? said...

Hable inglés, usted me da un dolor de cabeza.

4:42 PM  

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