Don't Read My Lips
"I didn't say 'assassination.' I said our special forces should 'take him out.' And 'take him out' can be a number of things, including kidnapping; there are a number of ways to take out a dictator from power besides killing him. I was misinterpreted by the AP [Associated Press], but that happens all the time," Robertson said on "The 700 Club" program.
However, this is what he said:
"If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think we really ought to go ahead and do it," said Robertson on Monday's program. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war."
Wow, that is a fucking blatant LIE if there every was one! I think my senility theory is being proven, or he's even more of an evil cock sucker than I originally thought. If you still think it might have been a matter of being misinterpreted or misquoted, (or if you are just curious), watch the original video. There isn't much room for interpretation.
If he was honest, he would either say:
A) "I misspoke. Looking back, I could see how it would be taken that way, but I never intended it to be. I apologize for any confusion. What I was trying to say was..."
B) "We all say some pretty dumb stuff, that we don't really mean, every once in a while. I just happened to be televisions a lot. You know, 'law of averages' and such. Um.. sorry."
C) "Yea, I know what I said, and I'm stickin' to it!"
But he didn't. He said it was AP's fault, that they misinterpreted him. But we can watch the video for ourselves, and make our own interpretation, and there is only really one way to take what he said. What was already quoted matches what he says on the video, anyways. The video isn't spliced together, and it wasn't some ambush on some talk show, catching him off guard. It was HIS OWN show!
Besides, is preaching political kidnappings of world leaders that haven't attacked us, haven't invaded another country, or haven't committed any atrocities against their own people much better? I'm not saying I like Chavez, not in the least. But why is Robertson ready to hand out the sniper rifles for this guy, while he tried to dissuade us from interfering with Liberia?
“How dare the president of the United States say to the duly elected president of another country, 'You've got to step down,'"
(You can read more here.)
Yea, how DARE he say Taylor, (who has done as much, if not worse, to his country than Chavez has), needs to step down. But kill or kidnap Chavez, NO PROBLEM! Maybe it is a lack of creativity (or conviction) on my part. Maybe I just have a hard time understanding how 2 + 2 is sometimes 5.
... fuckin' dipshit!
UPDATE: Robertson just made an apology.. at least for the cap poppin' in the ass part (read here):
"Is it right to call for assassination? No, and I apologize for that statement," he said in a written statement.
Not sure what to believe, or even if it is sincere. Either way, Robertson is still a crack pot.