Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Shit Hits the Fan

No, this isn't a "Stall Wars" post, (though, it might make a decent title). The shit really has hit the fan. That's why I haven't posted in a while, and why I won't be posting for a little while longer. Work is bad, and I have to work my ass off. If I am not careful, I could very well lose my job.

Through it all, something in me has changed. It took something very painful, and someone very essential to me, to wake me up to reality. While my complacency might be shattered now, it might be a little too late.

The self-reflection can come later. Right now, I have to be disciplined and uncompromising with certain aspects in my life. I hope I have the strength and determination to make up for my flaws and previous mistakes. But no matter what happens, this can't be a phase, it has to be a change in my life, (and it is only the beginning).

I will write about it all in the end, I just hope I have a happy ending to write.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Spam Spam Spam

I don't like spam. Then again, who does?

I finally turned the word verification on the comments on. Not sure why I delayed it, maybe I thought I would get less comments if I did, I don't know. But the comment spammers finally got to me, having to delete a couple every few days.

They are a bunch of brainless, greedy whores. I wish there was a better word than "whore," because I believe it does a disservice to even the lowliest crack whore. There is no excuse or point to their existence. They fuck things up for other people on a large scale in hopes that a very, very small percentage will respond in some way. Prostitutes don't screw up things for other people, they just screw people (in a good way), and that makes them much better than your average spammer. Just something to think about...

Anyway, I haven't posted in a while, but I'm writing more tonight (and the next day). I'll probably keep things shorter, (but definitely not sweeter), from now on. I'm busy trying to keep my job, find a new one, grow my side business, take care of my wife/family/house, and keep my sanity in the process. All of which is cutting into my video game time, (joke)*.

* I've learned to put "joke" by potentially offensive sarcastic remarks. Based on negative responses from similar remarks on my friend Chris' blog, I've learned there are a lot of people with really bad reading comprehension and sarcasm/joke detectors. As far as other potentially offensive remarks, I make no apologies.. so you can go ahead and fuck yourself.